Giving Your Puppy the Best Start in Life

Welcoming a new puppy into the pack can be an exciting but daunting experience. We can help you to make this transitional period as easy as possible for the puppy, ensuring the best start to its new life.

Introducing the correct boundaries and ground rules within the home environment from the start will ensure that your puppy develops into a happy and well-mannered dog. This will help to reduce the risk of behavioural problems developing.

We offer a range of services to assist you with training your puppy.

Selly puppy

Puppy Home Visits

A puppy home visit will cover all aspects of the home environment, including toilet training, feeding (diet), jumping up, mouthing and barking to name but a few. It will also help to establish the correct ground rules to ensure that your new pack member grows into a confident and happy dog.

You can even book these visits prior to getting your new puppy.

Jack pup 225

Puppy Foundation Training Class

These classes aim to provide socialisation and the foundations of successful training.
The course is a combination of positive reward-based training, education and fun!

By the end of this seven-week course, you will have a sociable, well-mannered puppy that can walk nicely on the lead and will come back when called


Puppy Package

This includes a puppy home visit to cover all aspects of the home environment, including toilet training, feeding (diet), jumping up, mouthing and barking to name but a few.

It will also help to establish the correct ground rules to ensure that your new pack member grows into a confident and happy dog. Three further sessions will cover the basics of training, lead walking, commands/positions and how to let your puppy off the lead confidently.


Puppy Socialisation & Training Days

These days are invaluable for your puppy offering a range of socialising experiences and basic training. We will collect and return your puppy and give them a fun day of learning. This service can be a one-off day or as part of a package.


Dog Walking School Bus

The Dog Walking School Bus is fantastic for puppies to gain confidence and valuable socialisation skills.

See our Dog walking School Bus page.

M & F